My role:Visual and lead UX designer. Responsibilities: User researchWireframingPrototypingVisual Design The product: We are designing a web corporative. Our target are inversors and entrepeneurs who want to live and work in Vera. Project goal: Guarantee an easy and please experience to the clients and knowledge about Vera. Target audience:Entrepeneurs and tourists. Project duration:6 months Key challenges or constraints: 1 Choose on the web to find answers 2 Differences between live and work there. 3 The information has to be simple and fast. Research study details: Initial design concepts: Wireframes: User testing results: INSIGHTS:1-Users want to find contact easily.2-Users want categories for groups.3-Users want images on every page.4-Users prefer to have a buttom to phone on the call to action.5-Users preferes video to text.Prioritized Insights:P0:1-Contact buttom.2-Categorized video.P1:1-More defined categories. User testing results: High-fidelity prototypes: Accessibility considerations: 1– To complete a task there is a gesture and a voice option too. 2– Motion are short to not create confusion. 3– Color contrast has been verified with different tools. Conclusion: Impact: It is easy to select and read information on any page. What I learned: I learned to be more concise and the importance to research on the beginning during the low-fidelity phase. Go to Cases Studies Maribel Delgado Resume Keep in touch